Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Change Requires Taking a Leap of Faith

Hello hello!

I have not posted in my blog in MONTHS. I moved home this past January not knowing where I would be 8 months later. As I expected, time has flown on by! I love being home and enjoying my family and making new friends. I also have had the opportunity to work at six gyms this past year. 2014 has been a heck of a lot better than 2013 to say the least. I will say the only reason I ever had the opportunity to do what I do is to have hit rock bottom. I am a very private person. No one likes to tell the world that they have failed many times but I truly believe there is a reason for everything. Trust the timing in your life. 


I am grateful to have such caring and loving bosses at all of my jobs. I am learning so much and never expected to be where I am at. It's scary not knowing what was ahead but I knew I had to take chances. I did not know 3/4 types of fitness there was here a year ago. I am proud and honored to work for all the people I do. Between learning how they run a business, lead and treat their employees, I have to say I am a mile ahead then if I stayed where I was. One boss of mine started her business a year ago. She didn't know anything about the fitness industry yet she tried it anyways. She just got back from a fitness conference in Toronto. I admire her eagerness to learn more and be more. She now runs a successful business that is continuously growing. Another boss of mine started as an LA fitness instructor and went on limb to hand out her own business cards to her followers. She began her private business in a small space and what do you know...it exploded! She now offers some of the neatest classes I have ever seen and had to move her business to a larger space. Two of my other bosses are husband and wife and are extremely generous and always on the go. They travel to multiple facilities to share their love of fitness. I could not ask for better people to work for. That being said...I love what I do.

Recently, I spoke to someone who told me their goal was to retire at the age of 40. It made me double take for a moment. I thought to myself, "40 years old?!? That's a hefty goal." But then again I asked myself, "Why not me?" Why do we not set goals that may seem unreachable or what others say impossible? Is it because we are afraid of failure or is it because we are afraid of success? That one statement really made me think hard of where I am currently at. I realize I need to make changes. I will never settle. It's easy for someone to get comfortable and decide to never make any changes. How do you know what your interests may be if you never try something new? You may find you LOVE something you thought you never would. 

Anyone who knows me well knows that I am skeptical of people selling products to me, especially when it comes to supplements. Why? Because I graduate with a bachelor's degree in Nutritional Sciences from Penn State and I know a lot of it is bull. I have been approached by multiple people from different companies about joining their "team" and selling their products. I turned down every single one of them until now. I was approached by Chris Desmond on LinkedIn. He noticed I take interest in nutrition and exercise. I thought to myself, "Great another person trying to sell me something." He told me about Xalo and it's products. Now for everyone wondering what I am talking about, it is a company that sells ALL NATURAL powders for before your workout, after your work out, and an every day energy supplement. He sent me samples and I decided to try them. I loved the way they worked! He then had me speak to Lynee Palacios on the phone. She is sold me on the product. She is nutritionist, personal trainer, bikini competitor, and a medical student. She explained the metabolic process of each supplement to me. I was VERY impressed with her explanations and how well she knew the products. One thing that makes these products COMPLETELY different then most is that there is NO synthetic caffeine and they are natural. I am very excited to start my journey with XALO! I will be continuing to blog these wonderful products. I have decided to become a distributor for XALO and have a great group of people that are very supportive.  

My personal website is: http://my.xango.com/beyourinspiration/


If you have any questions OR comments, please let me know! 


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