Monday, April 1, 2013

Passion to Help Others Succeed

According to

Definition of passion:
1)strong and barely controllable emotion:
a man of impetuous passion
a state or outburst of strong emotion:
oratory in which he gradually works himself up into a passion
intense sexual love:
their all-consuming passion for each othershe nurses a passion for Thomas
an intense desire or enthusiasm for something:
the English have a passion for gardens
a thing arousing enthusiasm:
modern furniture is a particular passion of Bill’s

  Today I feel the need to express my eagerness to help others. Many people come to me and ask me for advice on nutrition and fitness. I don't mind giving my knowledge to others freely. I know I have yet plenty to learn but what knowledge I have obtained, I love to share. Fitness and motivating others is a field that I want to pursue for the rest of my life. I find it extremely satisfying to see that smile or positive change in someone. I know what I am doing will help me succeed down the road. When you love what you're doing, nothing else matters. I recently have met with someone who asked me to counsel them on losing 30 lbs. The person thanked me over and over again. My response to them was:

"If I didn't have to worry about earning a living one day, I would do this for free. I love to help others!"

  I hope with every person I help, that I have motivated them to become a better person. I know I am not perfect and that I make mistakes all of time. I want to hear feedback and fix the problem. No matter where I end up or what I end up doing, I will make sure to be the best I can be and help others do the same. Teaching fitness classes gives me that opportunity to do so. Every day I learn something new about myself through others. Whether it be something I promise myself I will never do or learn something positive and hope to continue that action myself. Motivating and changing lives is what I hope to pursue. Don't let others bring you down. Just learn from your experiences and make sure you take away something from it.

After a long day, I was informed by a supervisor from my internship that a track athlete met with her today and knew the answer to how many calories are in a pound. My supervisor was really impressed and asked how she knew that. The track athlete said a senior nutrition major gave a lecture last Thursday on sports nutrition. My supervisor asked if it was Maddy. The athlete responded YES! According to my supervisor, she thoroughly enjoyed my presentation and said gave plenty of positive feedback. Hearing this really changed my whole day around. I want to help people learn and impact people in a positive manner. I can say, despite me having a bad day, knowing I helped an athlete understand nutrition better made me smile. It's moments like these that make me forget about all the rough times and realize there will be ups and downs but the ups definitely outweigh the downs. It's all worth it in the end!

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