I was honestly going to wait until this week was over to blog again but once again, so many thing have come up that I can write about!
First of all, my friend Amanda and I did a stair workout Tuesday morning. One of my fellow RA's decided to join. We all were drenched in sweat by the end of it. It felt AMAZING :). We completed:
- 15 min round of sprinting up the stairs with 10 burpees at the top (those get you every time)
- 15 min round mountain climbers/ jacks/ 15 sec break
- 30 sec high knees/15 lunges/ 20 sec rest--> 7 mins
When you are put in a team setting or working with other people, it helps so much! It makes you continue through your workout despite you gasping for air. It was a great way to start off the day! Thank you for coming you two :)
Secondly, I have had many moments throughout this semester, if not my entire life, where I have been challenged. I have been challenged physically and mentally. I used to freak out when things didn't pan out or go the way they were "planned." What I learned from that is it isn't going to get you anywhere. If anything it will make the situation a whole lot worse. Tell me, what has it done for you? I HIGHLY doubt anything good. It has made my evaluation of matters cloudy. It has me make wrong judgments.
I have been encountered by words that come off as extremely rude but I sit/stand there and take it in. Integrity is everything. Never let someone's words or physical actions compromise your beliefs. Believe in yourself and never give up is my motto. It will get you where you want to be in life. I may not have everything figured out right now at this moment but I am willing to take the steps to get there. After speaking with my friend Olivia (who is also a nutrition major) about us not having our life planned out, she told me very inspirational words her father said:
"Be positive. Don't compare yourself to others. Most people don't hit the ground running right when they graduate. Most people will probably have 5-7 jobs in their 20's and each will build on the other. You will start to feel more comfortable in time."
It was truly great to hear such encouraging words. The people you look up to at times may let you down. May it be your parents, best friend, boss, adviser, mentor, whatever it may be, others will recognize your passion and let you know to keep pushing when you're down. A perfect example of this is one person who I became friends with through the indoor cycling class I used to teach:
Hey Maddy,
So before I graduated, I am taking the time to thank those who made a significant impact on my life. This was one of the harder ones as we have not known each other that long or that well. I usually like to do these things in person but I know you’re really busy. It’s possible that in the next week and a half or so our paths won’t cross ever again so I want to make sure that I take the opportunity to tell you how you affected my life for the better.
I’ve always been a person who focuses on school, career, and his friends but rarely on fitness even though I enjoy being active but that changed this semester. When we went to dinner and were walking towards the Allen Street Grill, we talked about your dad doing insanity. That segwayed to you asking what caused me to care more about my fitness. I wasn’t exactly truthful in my answer as I felt cheesy saying the truth so I said something just clicked. Well truth be told, it was because of you and your cycling class. There was no specific moment or phrase to draw on but just being present at your class. You’re an excellent motivator and I thoroughly enjoyed going to your cycling class every week as you pushed us to dig deeper beyond a 110% effort. You made me realize that I was mentally stronger and there was a big difference between my actual effort and my potential. Fatigue became a battle of mental toughness and perseverance not physical ability. I started to see the improvements in my performance every week.
My fitness results from the beginning of the year to now have drastically improved. I am eating healthier and in overall a much better mood day in and day out regardless of what occurs that day. Through meeting you, you helped me realize that I can be better and dedicate myself to my personal health. It’s almost as if I am a whole new person. My friends have all noticed a change in me because my outlook on life has changed a little. If it wasn’t for you enabling me to believe in my physical abilities then my ankle injury would have be another reason to walk away from everything just like my prior knee injuries. Now, it’s just another obstacle to overcome.
Maddy, you are one of the most amazing people I have ever had the opportunity to speak with. You’re passionate, devoted, caring, personable, and inspirational. I was in awe to learn about your dedication to your school, fitness, and your friends and family. I don’t think I could even remotely capture how grateful and appreciative I am for how much you helped and inspired me to better myself but this was my attempt. I have long term goals after the school for myself regarding fitness and if it wasn't for you then I would not have taken the initiative to act on those challenges.
Thank you again and good luck finishing up this semester and your future. There is no doubt that you are going to be successful and will continue to change people’s lives. Congratulations on graduating!
Despite discouraging words I have encountered recently, this changed everything. It again shows me what I do makes a difference. This guy is one of the nicest people I have ever met. Every week he would come to my class despite injuries, lack of sleep, etc. and push himself until he was beat red and exhausted. I am so happy to hear I made such an impact in life. This is what make me get up every day. It satisfies me to hear I made such an impact on him. This is what I hope to continue to do NO MATTER WHAT PATH I TAKE.
So believe in your dreams. Reach for the sky. People will see it. Even if they don't say straight out the impact or difference you have made in their life, one day they might come to you when they know you're down. I myself get down at times but e-mail's like that keep me pushing harder. It motivates me to motivate you! Everyone who reads this blog does not let me know what they think and that is completely fine. All I am happy about is that you read it.
I know I may have to work different jobs here and there to get where I want to be in the long run. At the end of the day, that's fine. More exposure to different jobs and activities will make me a more well-rounded person. I will be able to understand things I did not before. So go ahead, challenge me. Challenges are what changes you. We all have our own paths. Many will have come across bumps along the way, but that's life. If you want to be successful, you'll make sure you get there some day. Don't ever stop believing. There are plenty of underdogs, including myself, but we together will make it to the top. It's the work you put in that people don't witness or recognize that will make you better each day. Don't stop. Go get em.