What's the Big Deal?
You probably have been told or read somewhere to drink more water. Did you know when you become thirsty, you are already dehydrated? A lot of the time we may think we are hungry so we grab something to eat. Little do you know, you might just be dehydrated. Here are a couple of hydration tips:
2 hours prior to exercise: At LEAST 2 cups of water (16 oz)
5-15 minutes before: 1 cup of water (8 oz)
- 10-15 minutes before: 1/2 cup- 1 cup water
Did YOU Know?
- Cool fluids...
- Cool the body
- Leaves the stomach faster for better hydration
- Gulping down water/sports drink hydrates the body faster than sipping
- Sports drinks...
- They have carbs that keep you energized
- Fluid and electrolytes keep you hydrated
How Do You Know You're Dehydrated?
- Weight: Weighing yourself before and after exercise helps determine how much water is lost and how much you need to drink.
- Every 1 lb of weight lost through sweat= 16 oz of fluids needed
- Thirst: Thirsty = Dehydrated. Drink even if you are not thirsty!
- Urine: Color should be light yellow and not have a strong odor.
I hope you learned a little bit more about hydration! Try to carry a water bottle around with you. Not only does it make sure you are drinking water, but carrying a reusable water bottle saves you money in the long run. Good luck with training!
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