Hello hello everyone!
I figured today I would cover what went on this morning as well as a give all of you some more nutrition advice!
This morning, two people joined me in a stair work out at 6:30 AM. It was a struggle for me because I could NOT fall asleep last night but I got up anyways and did it. It helps when people hold you accountable. My one resident (Nick) and friend (Marilee) completed it with me! It was nice to work as a team today. I am so used to doing workouts on my own, therefore I forgot what it felt like to be in a team-like setting. It makes the time go by so much faster!
Here's a funny picture of Marilee way ahead of Nick...
So...we started around 6:30/6:35 a.m. and ROTC was training there as well. They were looking at us like we were crazy because we were there because we WANTED to be there. Despite of it being dark out, we got up out of bed and worked up a sweat. You're probably wondering...hm...what did this girl make them do?
- 15 minute round of my FAVORITE: Sprint from the bottom to the top, 10 burpees, jog down AND REPEAT.
- Doesn't sound that bad, right? Just 15 minutes...nah it feels like an eternity but having other people do it with you is encouraging.
- 15 minute round: Toe taps 20 seconds/ 20 second plank/ 20 second break
- That totaled 15 rounds of each! We could feel it at the end.
- 12 minute round: At the very bottom of the stairs, one of us would sprint while the other two did either push ups or tricep dips. Once the first person completed their sprint, the second person would switch to a sprint while the first went straight into their arm workout.
- Since we are all athletic, we didn't get much of a break from the sprinting!
YEAH!!! Go get em!
We finished around 7:25 and stretched until 7:30. It felt really good to share that same feeling of accomplishment with other people.
Now, despite of me having 19 credits, an internship, fitness instructing, volunteering, AND being a resident assistant, I STILL find time to get a work out in. If it takes me getting up at 6:00 a.m, I will do it. It's either you want it or you don't. There is no half way. As you can tell, I have an insane schedule, but I MAKE the time to work out and break a sweat. There's no reason not to get some exercise in.
Nutrition: Super Foods
1. Cantaloupe: 1/4 of this melon supplies almost as much Vitamin A and C as most people need in an entire day.
2. Sweet Potatoes: One of the best veggies you can eat. Loaded with carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.
3. Fat free (skim) or low-fat milk (1%): Excellent source of calcium, vitamins, and protein with little to no artery-cloggin fat and cholesterol.
- If you don't like dairy milk, I suggest you try almond milk! It has even MORE calcium than dairy and it's sweeter.
4. Salmon or other fatty fish: Omega-3 fatty acids in fish such as salmon, sword fish, and rainbow trout, can help reduce the risk of sudden death heart attacks.
- We tend to eat a lot of Omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in meats, and forget about Omega-3's.
- In another post, I will explain more about these.
5. Oranges: Rich in vitamin C, folic acid, and fiber.
6. Broccoli: High amount of vitamin C, carotenoids, and folic acid.
7. Whole-grain bread: Higher in fiber and about 12 more vitamins and minerals than enriched bread or "wheat" bread.
8. 100% bran cereal: 1/2 cup serving provides 1/3 of fiber needed for an entire day to reduce the risk of constipation, diverticulitis, and heart disease.
9. Beans: Inexpensive, low in fat, high in protein, iron folic acid and fiber. Choose garbanzo, pinto, black, navy, kidney, or lentils.
10. Spinach or Kale: High in vitamin C, carotenoids, calcium, and fiber.
I hope you enjoyed this post! It's a hybrid post ;-) If there are certain things you would like to know more about nutrition, let me know! There are SO many aspects of nutrition to cover. I am really happy to see how many of you are reading these posts and telling me that you love it! It keeps me wanting to post!
To be completely honest with you, prior to college I barely ate anything green and maybe some fruit. I tried my first strawberry when I was in 7th grade. I did not know much about nutrition at all and gave my mom a hard time every time she wanted me to try a vegetable. I did not try cantaloupe and MANY other fruits and vegetables until I entered college. It wasn't until I became a nutrition major when I learned the need of vegetables, fruit, and whole grains in my diet. I come from a family where we eat refined grains and plenty of starchy vegetables and grains at dinner. Since I have been at PSU, I have brought back a lot of my knowledge to my family. It is not easy to implement changes in someones diet that they have been following for all of their lives. They have made baby steps, but simple changes like changing white pasta to whole grain makes a difference! Maybe next time you'll think of trying one of the foods I listed because you now know what is so great about every one of them ;-)