Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Milk Products and Alternatives

Got Milk?

Did you ever realize that we are the only mammals on this planet that drink another mammals milk?

I bet you just thought to yourself, "Wow actually no I've never thought of it like that!"

So... what's the big deal about MILK? Have you ever really thought of what it's made of? Why does society push it on us as soon as we're born?

Well I am here to tell you about all kinds of milk, its composition, alternatives, etc.


Milk is a white, opaque liquid secreted by female mammals to nourish their offspring. It is a complete protein source unmatched in terms of nutritive value and utility.


Milk is a fragile colloidal state with the large-sized proteins and part of the calcium dispersed throughout the aqueous serum. Milk contains water, proteins, fat, milk sugar (lactose) and various vitamins and minerals. The sugar (lactose), minerals and water-soluble vitamins are dispersed in the serum.


Water = 87%
Fat= 3.7%
Lactose= 4.9%
Protein= 3.5%
Minerals= 0.7%


  • Milk fat: The fat in the milk is dilute emulsion. In unhomogenized milk, the fat globules are too large to remain in a colloidal suspension and rise to the top as cream. 
  • Carbohydrates: Lactose is the primary carbohydrate. When milk sours, lactic acid bacteria convert lactose into lactic acid. When milk curdles and separates into curds and whey, the lactose remains in the whey.
  • Two types of proteins: Casein (curd) and lactoglobulin (whey) are distinguished by their reaction to acid and rennin, an enzyme from the stomach of a calf that is used to make cheese.
    • Micellular proteins (82%): Casein--> Grouped with different components that are bound with calcium and phosphate ions into bundles called micelles. Will coagulate with addition of rennin or acid.
    • Serum proteins (18%): Lactoglobulin and lactoalbumin--> Resistant to curdling and remain in the whey. Sensitive to heat and will denature at temperatures about 158 degree F.
  • Milk contains minerals: Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chloride and sulfur. Riboflavin is a B vitamin in milk that is particularly sensitive to light which is why milk is often sold in opaque containers. Milk is fortified with Vitamin D and provides our greatest source of that nutrient. Milk is also an excellent source of Vitamin A

  • Pasteurization: Milk that has been heated hot and long enough to destroy all dangerous organisms.
    • Standard method--> Heat the milk to 145 degrees F and hold for 30 minutes.
    • HTST--> High temperature shorts time. 162 degrees F for 15 seconds.
    • Ultrapasteurized--> 275-300 degrees F for 2-4 seconds. It gives longer shelf life to cream, half-and-half and eggnog. 
  • Homogenization: Decreases the size of fat globules and increases their #, increasing the total surface area of the fat.

Whole: 4% fat
Reduced Fat: 1-2% fat
Skim: 0.1-0.2% fat


  • NFDM: Nonfat dry milk--> pasteurized skim milk with water removed
  • Evaporated milk: whole or skim--> 60% water removed
  • Sweetened condensed milk--> 40-45% added sugar plus 10% lactose

Yogurt--> It is a mixed of lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus that is added to a milk mixture at 113 degrees F, and the temperature is maintained for 4 hours. The bacteria consumes the lactose as an energy source and excrete lactic acid as a waste process. ( BET YA HAD NO IDEA ;-) )

Buttermilk--> Incubated with Leuconostoc citrovorum for a buttery flavor; longer, cooler incubation time than yogurt.

Sour cream--> With or without added bacteria; add vinegar to cream and allow to stand until curdled.

So what are the alternatives?

Many people have difficulty digesting milk. More and more alternatives are emerging in the market due to that. These milks are made from various plants such as soybeans, rice and almonds and are enriched with calcium and other nutrients found in cows milk.

Lactose Intolerance

The inability to digest significant amounts of lactose, the predominant sugar of milk. This inability results from a shortage of the enzyme lacatase, which is normally produced by the cells of the small intestine. Lactase breaks down milk sugar into simpler forms that can then be absorbed into the bloodstream. When there is not enough lactase to digest the amount of lactose consumed, the results can be distressing. Symptoms include nausea, cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea, which begin about 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating or drinking foods that contain lactose. Between 30 and 50 million American are lactose intolerant. 

Calcium in Common Foods

Calcium-fortified orange juice, 1 cup: 308-344 mg
Sardines, with edible bones, 3 oz: 270 mg
Salmon, canned with edible bones, 3 oz: 205 mg
Soymilk, foritified, 1 cup: 200 mg
Broccoli (raw), 1 cup: 90 mg
Orange, 1 medium: 50 mg
Pinto beans, 1/2 cup: 40 mg
Tuna, canned, 3 oz: 10 mg

Yogurt, plain, low-fat, 1 cup: 415 mg
Milk, reduced fat, 1 cup: 295 mg
Swiss Cheese, 1 oz: 270 mg
Ice Cream, 1/2 cup: 85 mg
Cottage Cheese, 1/2 cup: 75 mg
Cheddar Cheese, 1 oz: 205 mg
Lactaid Milk (calcium fortified): 500 mg
Fruit-flavored yogurt: 250-350 mg
Ricotta cheese, 1/2 cup: 320 mg

I hope you were able to take something away from this! You don't have to drink milk to get your calcium ;-). 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

How can I make food tasty with less fat?

Did you know that higher-fat meals make your mind and body sluggish by slowing circulation and reducing the red blood cells capacity to carry oxygen?

However, meals too low in fat will leave you feeling hungry and thinking about food. If you crave food high in fat, it may be a sign that you are not eating frequently enough or you're restricting your fat intake too much.

So.... how do I gradually decrease fat in meals?

Tailor to your tasted and appreciate the slight differences in taste, texture, and mouth feel of healthier foods. If you eat lower-fat foods because you truly enjoy them, fine. If not, then you have a diet mentality which always ends disastrous. When you prefer one option, you will repeat it- good or bad. Repeating a healthier lifestyle leads to healthier living.

You must learn to make gradual changes to food preparation in order to actually like the end product. For example. the traditional way of frying with fat and no lid leads to moisture evaporation and food sticking to the bottom of the pan. Adding more fat results in a meal loaded with fat in grease, which is heavy on the stomach and difficult to digest. 

Here are some guidelines:
  • Choose meat with less marbling (streaks of fat seen in a cut of meat).
  • Trimming all visible fat off before cooking can sometimes result in a drier, less tender product, so try cooking it in a non-stick frying pan with a lid to retain the moisture. Trim the fat from the meats. sear the meat in a non-stick frying pan with a light coating of oil or non-stick cooking spray, turn the meat over, brown and add the lid to cook meat. Add onions, garlic, and fresh or dried herbs for more flavor when heating the oil prior to adding the meat. If meat sticks to the pan, deglaze with wine, milk, or vegetable or fruit juice. water and herbs, or broth or water with bouillon cube to brown the meat nicely. The liquid will gradually evaporate and it can be thickened to make a gravy if desired. 
  • When using oil to saute foods, use a heavy, non-stick pan so a light coating of oil will prevent burning of the food. Make sure the oil is hot before adding the ingredients to reduce the amount of oil that soaks into the food. For example, if you enjoy butter on a potato and you try to replace it with a lower fat product such as light sour cream, and you turn out not to like it then eventually you will crave the butter. Instead, try to gradually take less butter each time.
  • Low fat substitutes, such as diet margarine's or diet butters, are high in water content. They cannot be used for frying, as the pan becomes quickly dry because of the water from the product evaporates as soon as it's exposed to heat. You need to experiment what works best for you.
  • Meat can be browned in the oven instead of a frying pan. Roasting can be done on a rack in a covered roasted. The rack prevents the fat drippings from coming in direct contact with the roast so the roast will be less greasy. Use lower temperatures (275 degree F) for this. This retains moisture, reduces shrinkage, and prevents the fat from going back into the roast. 
  • Less-tender cuts of meat are best cooked in liquid (braising, stewing, or pot roasting) to create tender and flavorful dishes. Marinating meat helps to tenderize and add flavor. This includes wine, vinegar, seasoned vinegar, soy sauce, citrus juices, beer, yogurt, and oil. The acidic ingredients soften the tough connective.  Don't use salt in a marinade because it draws out the moisture.
  • If you are drinking whole milk, try diluting it with part-skim milk for a week or two until you get accustomed to the taste. Then try part-skim milk and finally switch to skim milk. 
As you become more aware of the different flavors and textures, you will gradually acquire a taste for foods with a more refreshing, less thick texture.

Modifying Cookies
  • Sugar, flour, and fat are main ingredients. Cutting back on sugar and fat too much does not allow creaming effect to occur and lessens sweetness of cookies.
  • Strategy: Cut sugar back about 1/2 and replace with some sweeter spices (nutmeg, cinnamon). Fat content can only be cut back slightly (by 1/4). Cutting fat content too much will change nature of cookies. 
  • To keep cookies moisture, add milk to replace moisture taken out by cutting back fat content. 
Creative Cooking Tips
  • Start with 1/4 tsp dry herbs or 3/4 tsp fresh herbs for a dish that serves 4 people. Fresh herbs contain more moisture with milder flavor. 
  • Crumble herbs between fingers to release flavor prior to adding to dish.
  • Heat herbs in a little bit of oil to heighten and extend flavor.
  • With soups, stews, and large quantity dishes, add herbs during last hour of cooking so the flavor doesn't evaporate. 
  • Store herbs in a cool place in opaque container to retain flavor.
  • Herbs dry out after 4 months.
I hope you could take away at least one tip from this blog! Feel free to message me with any questions! Nutrition is just as important as working out! We are what we eat ;-) 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Transformation Tuesday

Continuously growing and learning so?

                             Early 2012: 31% Body Fat                Summer 2015: 21% Body Fat

Today I learned all about Fitness Orientations at Retro of Stroudsburg from one of my co-workers. One part of it consists of getting body composition measured. If you don't know what body composition means, it's a way to measure the percentage of fat versus bone, water, and muscle in the human body. I was a little nervous, thinking I may be higher than what I want to be because of the last time I was measured. Last time I measured my body composition was at Penn State using the bod pod for my sports nutrition class. I discovered that I was at 31% body fat. Ever since then I was discouraged. I didn't want to know my composition. Today I tested at 21%. I was pleasantly surprised! I weigh 10 less pounds then I did in college AND my composition drastically changed. 1% is approximately 2 lbs in fat or muscle. I changed my composition by 20 lbs of muscle in 3 years! I didn't lose 20 lbs all together but I gained much more muscle. I was 150-156 lbs and 31% body fat now I am 135-140 lbs at 21% body fat. I was happy to see that I am in the healthy target range and I am only 2% away from an "athletic range." I just goes to show when you put in the effort and hard work, it will pay off! It doesn't happen overnight. Consistency and patience is a must!

Another transformation in myself that I have seen is my range of motion and flexibility!

Top: 2014 
Bottom: 2015

I teach an hour long stretching class 3 times a week. Most people can't believe you can stretch for that length of time but trust me, you can! It's so important to loosen up your muscles. By putting constant stress on our muscles and not properly taking care of our bodies, we will eventually hurt ourselves. Which in turn will put us out of commission. For those of you that love to workout, that would be devastating. For others, it would hinder you from reaching your goals. If we don't eat the proper nutritious foods and help our bodies recover and relax, we will never be able to exceed or reach our goals. I love to stretch because then I can perform 100% the next time I put myself through a strenuous workout. The range of motion in my squats alone have drastically increased. Why? Because I stretch! If I didn't stretch the way I do, I know I will be a cripple 10 years from now. Looking 10 years from now, you want exercise to help you not hinder you. I see people do these crazy workouts all of the time and then complain how their back is hurting or another part of their body. We need to take time aside for rest and recovery. 

Maybe our goal isn't to do a split. That's fine. But there are many parts of fitness and each one is crucial. I believe in exercise that is going to help me in the long run. Everyone has their own way of getting better. If you're going to do extreme exercise, make sure you take care of yourself or your chiropractor and doctor are going to be seeing you on the regular. Every adult that I have spoken to that  had a back injury says they wished they would've stretched more when they were younger. It's so easy to pull and muscle or worse tear. Stretching helps loosen everything up and increase your range of motion.

You have the choice to change your habits. Maybe you start to stretch once a week instead of NEVER. That's a start! Stick with that until you decide to give yourself more time to prioritize it even more. Taking a step in the right direction is better than not trying at all.

Currently I am studying for my Non-diet Weight Management Certification through ACE.
I am over half way done! Here's a few health care myths:

"Myth #1
Obesity causes health risks, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.
   Fact: We don't know, but it seems unlikely. Obesity is associated with higher risk, but causation has not been established. 

Myth #2
"Healthy weight" defines the range of lowest health risk.
  Fact: The weight associated with lowest mortality is close to or within the "overweight" range, well above the midpoint of so-called healthy weight (BMI 21.7). Lowest death rate is at a BMI of about 24.5 for Caucasian men and women, 27 for African American men and women, and after age 55, 26.5 for Caucasian women and 29.8 for African American women, with only weak association after age 75, according to an extensive review of 236 randomized, controlled studied by the National Institutes of Health. 

Myth #3
Health is always improved by weight loss.
  Fact: Long-term studies indicate higher risk with weight loss. At least 15 large comprehensive studies show higher death rates, including the Framingham Heart Study, Harvard Alumni Study, and NHANES I follow-up. Researchers suggest that loss of too much lean mass from muscle, bone and organs, may jeopardize health. 

Myth #4
Current weight loss treatment is safe and effective. 
  Fact: All weight loss methods must be considered experimental. NONE are proven long-term safe and effective.
- Dieting leads to short-term weight loss, disturbed eating, bingeing and food preoccupation, followed by regain or weight cycling, which as its own risks, and often a higher weight.
- Drugs provide only minimal weight loss (5 to 11 lb) and must be taken long-term, involving increased risk: of 6 million adults who took fen-phen/Redux, FDA reports 1/3 developed leaky heart valves and others died of primary pulmonary disease.
- Gastric surgery carries risks of over 60 complications including severe infection, leaks, obstruction, blood clots, malnutrition, and early and late deaths that include suicide.

Myth #5
 Scare tactics and pressure to be thin help prevent obesity, promote weight loss, and do no harm.
  Fact: Increasing social pressures to be thin over the past three decades have paralleled  the steep rise in obesity. These social pressures and scaring people about the risk so of obesity can lead to malnutrition, hazardous weight loss, eating disorders, body hatred, size discrimination, stress, anxiety, potential immune suppression, and higher health risks. "

I hope you learned something from these common myths :) Happy December!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Bro, what's the deal with PROTEIN?!

So what is the big deal with...PROTEIN???

Many members of the gym rely on personal trainers or I to give them correct nutrition advice. The general public is fed various information, false and true, about protein. 

How much should I have?

Should I have it before or after I workout?

Is there different types of protein?

Well I am here to try and help women decipher protein. 

Why is Protein so Important?

Training puts a lot of stress on your muscles, and they must be repaired. Protein is required for maintenance, repair, and growth of muscles and therefore is required for active females.

Protein also makes up enzymes, hormones, and speeds up recovery after intense exercise or injuries. Protein helps with weight management because it digests slower and keeps you full longer. Protein plays a role in managing optimal immune function and fluid balance. 

How much Protein is needed? 

The RDA for protein is set at 0.8g/kg, however if you heavily train with resistance and aerobic training, you may need to consume 1.2-1.8g/kg daily. The average athlete would need to consume 1.2-1.5g/kg. If you are an individual that participates in strenuous weight lifting or long distance running, you would need closer to 1.8-2g/kg of protein daily.

The Equation to Determine Individual Protein Needs

Your weight ____ (lbs) / 2.2= _____ kg of body weight

___ kg of body wt * grams of protein needed (0.8-- sedentary, 1.2-1.5--average individual with resistance training and or endurance training or 1.8-2.0--> weight lifter or distance runner)= ___ Estimated grams of protein needed daily

To have this much protein, it is recommended that protein be included in every meal to reach your daily goal. 

Protein Post Workout 

At least 15 g of protein is necessary within 30 minutes to 2 hours post workout, along with carbohydrates. 

The protein will promote maximal muscle recovery and the carbohydrates will refill Glycogen stores to keep your energy levels up.

Protein and the Female Athlete Traid

Disordered Eating, Amenorrhea, and Osteoporosis

A low protein diet could indicate a diet low in overall calories which could lead to amenorrhea (loss of menstrual cycle). A low protein diet could also cause decreased intestinal calcium absorption. This condition could contribute to osteoporosis, since calcium is required for bone health. Make sure to eat adequate protein in order to avoid these problems and for maintenance and muscle growth.

Balance is Key 

- Keep in mind that your diet must balanced with carbohydrates, fat and protein. A common mistake with high protein diets is the lack of carbohydrate and fat. 

- Carbohydrates are necessary to fill Glycogen stores and provide the main source of energy for your training.

- Fats are necessary to help ensure you consume adequate calories every day in order to maintain weight.

- If you do not have enough carbohydrates and fat, the protein you eat will be used for energy instead and not for muscle repair.

I hope this gives you a better idea of protein needs post workout! Now go get moving and refuel ;-)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


  Well to say the least, it's been over a year since I have wrote (WAY too long). It's crazy how much can happen in a year. Scrolling through my previous posts and reading them was kind of like reading a diary. It has shown me how much I have changed, for the better. I realized how much I struggled and how many times I wanted to give up. I am so happy I didn't. I am in an industry that takes time, patience, and perseverance. Fitness requires constant learning. That is exactly what this past year has taught me. LOTS of learning. 

Here's a few pictures of the places I worked at this past year and currently.

Pocono YMCA

Pocono Dome

Sweat Like A Girl

Pocono YMCA

GCMC *2nd Wind Fitness*

Studio Z

Retro Stroud

Retro Stroud

Pocono Dome

I developed so many friendships from each of these places. Each individual taught me something. 

This past May, I was hired as a full-time group fitness instructor at Retro Fitness of Stroudsburg. This caused me to leave the other places I worked. I miss each of them. I learned so much from every gym and boss I had. I hope they are doing well!

Currently, I am the Group Fitness Manager of Retro Fitness of Stroudsburg. Each instructor here is unique. We have so much to offer and learn from one another. We are the largest Retro in the country. I am blessed to have this opportunity presented to me. I also am studying for my Non-Diet Weight Management certification. Every day I am learning something new! 

2014-2015 was a year of stepping out of my comfort zone. First, this past August, I ran the Super Spartan at Blue Mountain with team Sweat Like a Spartan. It was an extremely challenging race. It was great to see members as well as my co-workers and my boss from Sweat Like A Girl. Each person did a phenomenal job! I couldn't have asked to run with a better team for my first time! It was 8 miles and 25 obstacles. Each one of us helped another. I hope to do another one in the future!

As many people know, I began to try aerial silks. It was always a class offered while I was teaching Fight Club at Sweat Like A Girl. I thought to myself, "there's no way I'd ever be able to do that." My boss one day said, "Why don't you try it?" So I did. It took me over a year to do the things I am able to do now. To say the least, it took many failures to learn. It taught me how to stretch, become flexible, strong, and confident. It's a beautiful beast. Try something new! You might just surprise yourself with what you're capable of doing!


I just created my own Facebook page for fitness. I hope you will like it and follow it! Here's the link:

This past year I also came up with my own class. It's called Body Chisel. I would have never expected it to be as successful as it is! I love teaching it! We use our body weight, resistance bands, and body bars to target each muscle group. Each exercise matches the beat of the music to each song. I enjoy learning and hearing suggestions from patrons. Thank you for all of the feedback!

I promise to post more frequently! This post was to solely catch up on where I am in my career. Thank you for reading! 

P.S: Make sure you're having fun! ;-)

Friday, August 15, 2014


I am EXTREMELY excited to inform my friends, family, and followers all about the products I have been using to keep me going!

Personally, I am not a fan of coffee. I was told before going to college there was no way I wouldn't start drinking coffee. Here I am today...still not drinking coffee. I do not like the taste of it. Never have and probably never will. I have tried pre workouts such as N.O. Explode and other energy drinks such as Rockstar. Maybe it is because I am sensitive to caffeine, but I noticed my skin itching and that I wasn't able to sleep well at night despite me drinking them in the morning. I was twitchy and at times shaky. Despite me getting headaches from them, I kept drinking them because I felt I needed caffeine to get through my 4-5 group fitness classes a day. At least until I was introduced to XALO...

What is synthetic caffeine exactly? 
*Taken right from XALO website*

If it says the word “caffeine” on the label then, surprise! It’s not real caffeine. It’s synthetic. Chemicals created in a lab. Why is this bad? One reason is that it’s a lot more potent than natural caffeine — in a bad way. Artificial means a quicker spike and, of course, a quicker crash. Another con to taking fake caffeine is that the entire process of extracting it means you’re consuming something that’s probably been exposed to a number of harsh chemicals including: methylene chloride, ethyl acetate and carbon dioxide.
If you need caffeine, your best bet is to go “au naturel.” Natural caffeine (in its botanical form) actually has the ability to regulate your body’s reaction to it. This means a dramatic reduction in all the negative side effects associated with caffination: sleeplessness; nervousness; heart palpitations; nausea; looking like a crazy person, etc. (Okay, we added that last one — but you know it’s true.)

XALOLife is for Living

So you are all probably wondering what is the deal with these products? Let me break it down for you.


 XALO Limitless FAQ

What is XALO Limitless?

XALO Limitless is an all-natural energy drink alternative. We take electrolyte-rich coconut water, add the natural energy of green tea, taurine and Korean ginseng, then finish it off with a mangosteen boost. 

What are the key ingredients in XALO Limitless?

XALO Limitless features an all-natural blend of GABA (gamma amino butyric acid), Korean ginseng, taurine, apple extract, green tea, mangosteen powder and coconut water. 

How do I take XALO Limitless?

XALO Limitless is not for everyone and should not be taken if you are on heart medication or on blood thinners. Begin with . serving and increase to 1 serving. Limit intake to one serving daily.

How much caffeine is in XALO Limitless?

XALO Limitless contains 150mg of naturally occurring caffeine from green tea. If you are currently on any heart medication or blood thinners, we do not recommend taking XALO Limitless.

What do GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) and Gotu Kola do in the body?

GABA is a neurotransmitter that provides a calming effect on the body.* Gotu kola is used to improve blood circulation to the brain.* Both of these ingredients are included in XALO Limitless to help your mind focus on the task at hand.

Why are Korean ginseng, taurine, and green tea added to the formula?

This combination of ingredients is included in the formula to provide a natural energy boost.

Why does XALO Limitless include coconut water?

Coconut water contains naturally occurring electrolytes that hydrate your body.

Personally, I love to use this product almost every day. It gives me a kick start to my day.


 XALO Ignite FAQ

What is XALO Ignite?

XALO Ignite is a specially formulated vasodialator that allows you to boost your cardiovascular and exercise performance. Our key ingredients help your blood vessels relax and dilate, delivering more critical nutrients and oxygen to your muscles, tissues and organs for for peak mental and physical performance.*

What are the key ingredients in XALO Ignite?

XALO Ignite features an all-natural blend of L-Arginine, L-Norvaline, L-Citrulline, beet root powder and mangosteen. All support optimal body-oxygen circulation, cardiovascular health, endurance, sexual wellbeing and anti-aging.* 

How do I take XALO Ignite?

XALO Ignite is not for everyone. If you are on any heart medication, please consult your health care professional before consuming. For best results, drink one packet mixed with 6–8 oz. of cold water daily. Stir well and drink immediately. Do not shake when mixed.

Can I take XALO Ignite with XANGO® Juice?

Yes. XANGO Juice and XALO Ignite can be taken together. 

How often should I use this product?

We advise taking XALO Ignite once to twice daily.

Tell me about L-Arginine.

L-Arginine is an amino acid and is a precursor to nitric oxide, a blood vessel-widening agent. It is formulated to increase oxygen circulation in the body and also promotes optimal athletic performance.

Tell me about L-Norvaline.

L-Norvaline is involved in the increase of increase of nitric oxide levels in the blood, causing relaxation of the blood vessels. 

Tell me about L-Citrulline.

L-Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid that supports arginine content in the body. 

Why does XALO Ignite include beet root powder?

Naturally high in nitrates, beets allow our blood vessels to relax and widen—a process known as vasodilation. Increased oxygen to the muscles, organs and other tissues allow them to perform at higher intensity. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

This is by far one of my favorite pre workout supplements. It gives me energy to push myself during my own workouts and my patrons when I lead them. I am able to sleep perfectly fine at night and I do not get a crash. FINALLY!


 XALO Reload FAQ

What is XALO Reload?

XALO Reload provides you with key ingredients designed to build lean muscle, increase strength and reduce muscle loss. It’s the go-to recovery supplement that curbs the wear and tear of daily living. Promotes a lean and strong physique.*

What are the key ingredients in XALO Reload?

XALO Reload features an all-natural blend of glutamine, BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids), D-ribose, mangosteen powder and coconut water. 

How do I take XALO Reload?

XALO Reload can be taken at any time, but is best taken right after exercise to reduce soreness. Mix one packet with 10–12 oz. of water. May be consumed up to 3x daily.

How much caffeine is in XALO Reload?

There is no caffeine in XALO Reload.

What is Glutamine and how does my body benefit from it?

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid (building block of protein) in the body. “During times of mental or physical stress, your body may need more glutamine than it can make.” Glutamine is important because it removes excess ammonia (a common waste product in the body), helps your immune system function and appears to be needed for normal brain function and digestion.*

What are branched-chain amino acids?

Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs - leucine, isoleucine and valine) are among the nine essential amino acids for humans, accounting for 35% of the essential amino acids in muscle proteins and 40% of the pre-formed amino acids required by mammals. Branched-chain amino acids are used to reduce protein and muscle breakdown and improve exercise performance.*

Why is D-Ribose included in the formula?

D-Ribose supports the body’s natural process of energy synthesis. It helps to reduce the loss of energy during stress and accelerates energy and tissue recovery. D-Ribose helps muscles regenerate lost energy and potentially minimizes any physiological consequences of energy depletion.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Personally, I love to use this product because I am not a fan of protein shakes. If I am hungry post-workout, I need actual food. Most of the time I am on the go so this is perfect for me to get BCAAs in my system as quickly as I can to aid in muscle recovery and regeneration. It tastes so good too!

These products truly work!

My friends and family know that I am a work out fanatic and I am passionate about helping other reach their goals mentally and physically. These product help me tremendously daily and I would NOT endorse them if they didn't work for me. This can help you too! If you have and questions or are interested, I would LOVE to talk to you more in detail. Anything is possible!